
The 5 Most Effective Ways To Maximize Productivity While Remote Working

June 19, 2023
The 5 Most Effective Ways To Maximize Productivity While Remote Working

There’s a saying that “Once you go remote, you never go back.” Ok, it’s a different saying but…You get the point. 

Despite this popular belief, once the C-word was gone, some of the most influential companies tried to bring employees back to the office. And that didn’t go as smoothly as they thought. 

Why? Because working remotely WORKS. 

Yes, we live in a world where all products and services have one ultimate goal – convenience. So our lives have become easier in a way. 

However, the demands today are significantly higher. Everything has become way more expensive. Women are expected to be men’s equal at work, but not so much at home. Parents are figuring out childcare while planning “the most phenomenal Peppa Pig party” and looking for a set of the coolest Nintendo Switch. Long-distance travel is now so common that you wonder what’s wrong if you haven’t been on a plane in the last three months.

We do so much more now than what people did 100 years ago. 

Remote working was just the natural course of events. Because let’s be honest – we needed a break! And not working from the office made things so much easier for many of us. Once people got used to it, many preferred to switch companies than being the victims of the old way.

Even though remote working sounds compelling, it comes with its own set of challenges. Working from home or while traveling is accompanied by certain distractions. And while enjoying it, you may need to put in more effort to stay focused and productive. 

However, with the right tools and mindset, maximizing productivity while remote working is very much achievable. 

Whether you’ve been practicing working from anywhere for years or you’re new here, there’s always room for improvement and innovation in your approach. 

Benefits Of Remote Working

We established we are gathered here to celebrate our admiration for remote working because it improves our lives way more than traveling to an office every day. Let’s frame out some of the strongest arguments that will bring us to terms even with the strongest non-believers. Elon?


Working remotely allows us to be flexible in many ways. We can work not only from home but from anywhere in the world. We have more time to spend with our friends and family. We don’t need to spend time traveling every day just to get to work. Doing housework and running errands have replaced mindless office chatter and coffee breaks. And yes, it made life so much easier.  And we are so much happier.

Cost savings

WFH cuts costs for both, employees and employers. People are getting rid of the high gas bill in times when the economy is shaky. And companies are saving from not having to pay office rent and the additional bills that come with it. Why not invest the funds into something more meaningful that will promote the business’s growth? 

Increased productivity

Many of us feel far more productive in an environment we can control. Whether this is our home, a coffee shop, Bali, or anywhere else. Having freedom makes us happier. And being fulfilled makes us motivated to excel in our job. 

Ideally, being able to work from various locations, prevents us from having the common office distractions. That may not be the case for everyone, especially us moms of young children. Hang in there. It gets better.

Challenges Of Remote Working

As with all good things, even working from anywhere may have its downsides. Let’s not risk someone accusing us of permanently having our pink glasses on and ignoring those.


As I mentioned earlier, working remotely may eliminate office distractions, however, they may be replaced by other ones. If you spend your days working at home, these can be children and other family members, noises, or household chores you might be tempted to do during working hours. With time, though, you can find the balance and create your own ways to get everything done.

Time management

Being on your own and away from your team may be new to you. If you’re not used to managing your time, you will need to adjust but it’s definitely achievable.

Communication barriers

If you’re switching from the office to working from home, communication will also change. It’s nothing new, however, to communicate via email, text, chat, etc. 

Introverts like myself are finding it as a breath of fresh air. 

That said, it’s the organization’s responsibility to ensure clear communication channels that all team members are comfortable using. Leaders will have to set the tone for the message exchange style. Relaxed and easy communication will prevent miscommunication and increase productivity and teamwork.

Whether you feel more challenged or excited, there are some things you can do to make remote working even better. 

1. Set Up Your Productive Workspace

Not having an office means you will need a designated space to work productively. Ideally, this will create not only a physical but also a mental separation between work and the rest of the world. If you don’t have enough space, it can be a corner where it’s clear you will only use it for work.

Make yourself comfortable. Ensure that your workspace is ergonomically designed to support your productivity. Uncluttering your working space regularly will unclutter your brain. And creating habits to keep it tidy will organize you.

Some companies have an allowance for setting up a home office. Don’t be too sad if you don’t have that available. You can fully customize your space. 

My goal is to get an adjustable desk that can be used as a standing desk. If you want to move your body while working, you can also invest in a walking pad that can easily be stored when you don’t use it.

Last, but not least, it’s a good idea to ensure that you have good lighting, ventilation and set the right temperature for you. The best thing is all these can be customized to fit your preferences.

2. Design Your Time To Stay Productive

In most cases working on your own provides you with the luxury to manage your time the way it works for you. It may take some trial and error but here are some of the things I do.

Create a Schedule

Creating a schedule for your workday does wonders for your productivity.

You can also make a list of the most important tasks for the day and categorize them by type and priority. Try to do the ones that will take the longest first. 

Also, accomplishing the tasks you’re not particularly fond of at the beginning will promote creativity and free thinking for the rest of the day.

Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is a time management technique that involves working in 25-minute intervals followed by a five-minute break. 

This technique can help you stay focused and productive throughout the day. You can try intervals with different lengths and find what works best for you. 

To optimize this technique, you can use a desktop timer.

Take Breaks

While you take breaks make sure you do three things: 

  • drink plenty of water
  • move your body – do some squats, stretches, or whatever makes you feel better
  • do some deep breathing exercises like these 

 3. Communicate Like A Pro

Communication shouldn’t be an issue in this day and age, no matter how far from each other we are. Here are some ideas on how to take it to the next level:

Use Collaboration Tools

There’s hardly any company left that doesn’t use collaboration tools such as Slack, Trello, Asana, and my newly favorited – ClickUp. They help teams stay connected, track projects progress and keep everyone on the same page. 

Schedule Regular Check-ins

Schedule regular check-ins with your team members to discuss your progress, address any concerns, and stay connected. 

Set a clear agenda so team members know what to expect and maintain the focus and efficiency of the meetings. Use these sessions to brainstorm together and come up with creative solutions faster and easier.

Use Video Conferencing

Utilize video conferencing tools such as Zoom and Google Meet to communicate face-to-face with your team members. 

It’s not unheard of for remote teams to have never met in person. Video conferencing software can help you put face and name together, build rapport and improve communication.

 4. Customize Your Toolset

Time is our most precious asset. Maximizing our efficiency frees up time to do more of the things we like. 

Companies know that. Therefore, sophisticated tools to increase our productivity emerge every day. Here are some of them:

Project Management and Collaboration Tools:

Besides tracking our time, we need to keep projects under control at all times. Project management tools streamline workflows, track tasks, and monitor project progress. 

I’ve used and recommend tools like Trello, Asana, ClickUp, and Monday.com

You can also use them simultaneously. I track projects with Trello and use Asana more for project communication. 

File sharing is nowadays mostly cloud-based. You can try Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive and see what works best for you. These platforms allow real-time document editing, version control, and centralized storage.

Being part of a remote team means that you need to be able to still brainstorm together. Virtual whiteboarding and brainstorming tools come in handy here.

Online whiteboarding platforms such as Mural, Miro, or Microsoft Whiteboard facilitate virtual collaboration, brainstorming, and visual ideation. Remote teams can work together on visual projects, mind maps, and interactive presentations. No need to take off your robe.

Leveraging Task Management and Organization Apps

Task management. There’s still another level of organization you can find helpful. Using a project management tool is one thing. To complete a project successfully, you have to start from the basics and organize your daily tasks. Utilize to-do list apps like Todoist, Any.do, or Microsoft To Do to create and manage your daily or weekly to-do lists. These apps help you prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and track progress.

Time-tracking is essential for freelancers and people working remotely on their own. Knowing and analyzing how you spend your time can help you plan your tasks and days better. 

With features like automatic tracking, manual time entry, and activity monitoring, time tracking tools such as RescueTime, Toggl, and Harvest Forest (yep) empower remote workers to track their work hours, set goals, and analyze their productivity patterns. By understanding how time is spent on various tasks and projects, remote workers can make informed decisions, optimize their workflow, and ensure efficient time management

Note taking. One layer deeper completing my daily tasks requires me to do a good amount of note-taking. And even though I have countless notepads, I mostly use apps such as Evernote, Notion, or Microsoft OneNote to capture ideas, jot down meeting notes, and organize information. These apps allow me to sync notes across devices and access them anywhere.

Utilizing Communication and Video Conferencing Platforms Effectively:

To enhance our virtual experience and replace real-human contact remote teams use a variety of video conferencing tools. Platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet enable remote teams to conduct virtual meetings, conference calls, and video presentations. Utilizing features like screen sharing, chat, and breakout rooms facilitates effective communication and collaboration. 

Most of us have replaced office chat with instant messaging apps like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Discord. These tools help remote teams collaborate, and address queries promptly. 

Besides the strictly professional convos, they help team members stay connected by exchanging more relaxed and personal messages.

5. Practice Self-Care And Be Mindful About Work-life Balance

You can use all the productivity tools in the world. They won’t be very effective if you don’t work on your inner peace and the efficiency of your mental power. Practicing self-care isn’t mandatory just for people working remotely. So read on, even if you’re not one of us.

As we established earlier, remote working offers the flexibility to integrate work and personal life, but it also poses the risk of blurred boundaries and constant accessibility. And all we need in 2023 is a healthy work-life balance. So, here’s what to do.

Set Boundaries

Setting clear boundaries between your work and personal life is a must. Don’t let work take over your personal life and do not allow personal affairs to influence your efficiency during working hours.

Sounds easier said than done, right?

Be the boss of your working hours: If you have the freedom to set your own hours, do it. And be flexible. Determine specific working hours that align with your personal preferences and obligations. 

Communicate these hours to your team, colleagues, and family members to establish expectations and minimize interruptions outside of those designated times. 

Be ready to break rules when you have an off day or something important comes up. You fought for your freedom, take advantage of it.

Disconnect digitally: Establish periods when you disconnect from work-related emails, messages, and notifications. Set boundaries by silencing work-related apps or disabling notifications during non-work hours to avoid constant distractions.

Whatever you do, enjoy the moment fully and be present. Work will never end. Remind yourself that you work to live. Keep your priorities straight and you’ll be happier.

Practice Self-care

We all feel productive when we are fulfilled. So even if you get caught up in endless work tasks, don’t forget to give yourself some love. Do the things that fill your cup. And don’t forget the basics – eating healthy and getting enough sleep. 

Maintain a healthy routine: In the past year, I realized how closely connected our diet and exercise are with our mental health and productivity. 

Sticking to regular meal times, exercise, and sufficient sleep makes you disciplined in all areas of your life. Incorporating healthy routines creates habits that lead to success.

Practice mindfulness and stress management: Trust me when I tell you that meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga aren’t time wasters. 

You may say that you don’t have the time without realizing practicing at least one can clear your mind and increase your efficiency. At the end of the day, you can end up saving time by practicing mindful techniques regularly. 

Engage in hobbies and non-work activities: Make time for activities that bring you joy and help you unwind. Whether it’s reading, painting, playing an instrument, or spending time with loved ones, prioritize activities that nourish your soul and provide a break from work. This is really essential, especially for us, creatives.

Communicate and Collaborate With Your Support Network:

Think about your network and openly discuss your work-life balance goals and needs with your team, supervisor, and family. If everyone is on the same page about what they can expect from this arrangement, you will be able to support each other. Be patient and require patience and understanding from the people around you.

Share your thoughts and feelings regarding work-life balance with your family and loved ones. Work together to establish routines, share responsibilities, and find ways to support each other’s well-being.

Where possible, leverage employee assistance programs, wellness initiatives, or online communities that support remote workers. These resources can provide guidance, tips, and a sense of community for navigating the challenges of remote work.


While remote working offers flexibility, it also requires discipline, adaptability, and effective communication. Embrace the opportunities that remote work provides, but be mindful of the potential pitfalls. Regularly assess your work habits, adapt your routines as needed, and seek continuous improvement.

Ultimately, remote working can be a rewarding experience that allows you to achieve a healthy work-life balance, excel in your role, and thrive in your professional journey.

While it may not work for some, from where I’m standing everyone wants to experience the freedom to do what they like while not being tied up to a particular location.

One of Elon Musk’s arguments against remote workers is that it’s not fair to all those whose jobs require them to be present at a certain place. But what do you think will happen if he can let go of some of his employees because now AI can do their job? Yes, that’s right. He would do it without blinking an eye!

Don’t be the one left out in the cold and start learning some skills that will allow you to work remotely. Till next time, stay well!


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